WildFire MudWorks | Dave Sawyer | Traditional and Raku Fired Ceramic Art and Gifts

Thunder Eagles I and II

Background and “in progress” photos


Thunder Eagles I & II

Featured in the WildFire ‘23 exhibition at the Artists Collective|Spartanburg


Thunder Eagle I

Thunder Eagle II


Thunder Eagles I & II … $550 (each)

Birds are one of my favorite subjects especially eagles and combined with a southwest design makes these  double favorites.

These works feature a southwest inspired interpretation of the familiar thunderbird symbol. Thunder Eagle I, features a contrasting black and white design palette and Thunder Eagle II, features a vibrant multi-colored palette. Each Thunder Eagle measures approximately 18” by 20”.  They were created by hand from an off-white earthenware clay body and each consists of over 50 individual ceramic pieces. They were bisque fired to cone 04 (1945 degrees F), then glazed with three coats of low temperature glazes and traditionally glaze fired to cone 06 (1828 degrees).

Here are some “in progress” photos as I was working on each from design through completion.

Original working sketch layout

Greenware stage after carving and before bisque firing

Both twins after bisque firing

Thunder Eagle II during glazing

Thunder Eagle I glazed and ready for glaze firing

Thunder Eagle II after glaze firing and under construction

Each after glaze firing and construction